Board Meeting Minutes April 14, 2024
MYACT Board Minutes – April 14, 2024
- Call to order: 1:06pm
- In Attendance: Bonnie Bettencourt, Kristy Miller, Janae Perkins, Katie Lind, Jessica Shapiro, Buck Collie, Cassandra Miller, Jadyn Mueller, Erin Santoro
- Guests: Rebecca Fitzwater
- Approval of minutes: Janae motioned to approve, Buck seconded, approved by all.
Financial Report (Janae Perkins)
- Budget Report
○ 2023 Year-End Budget; handout provided.
○ 2024 Q1 Review
○ 2024 Proposed Budget for approval
- Show Updates
■ Freaky Friday; $6770 profit.
○ Upcoming Show Budgets
■ A Year with Frog and Toad; $1912 projected.
■ Much Ado About Nothing; $1180 projected.
- Janae suggests looking at anticipated ticket sales & matinees for all upcoming shows
○ Facilities Funds Update – balance remaining; $4811.
- $582.67 for scissor lift for fan installation pending.
○ Scholarship Funds Update – $1500 current balance.
13 scholarship requests to date.
○ Acting For All Club Update – total funds raised by Cierra; $4250.
- Stipends which are declined by payee need to be included in budget.
- Gala budget needed; goal is to make $15,000 profit.
Proposal to approve $1,500 budget to begin. Cassie motioned, Katie seconded, approved. - Access to bank account – discussed removing Jessica, she is in agreement.
- Erin motioned, Cassie seconded, approved by all to remove Jessica Shapiro from bank account access.
- Bonnie Bettencourt and Janae Perkins only will continue having access.
- WE HAVE VENMO!!! @ MYACT. Can add other administrators.
- We now have access to TechSoup with non-profit discounts to purchase programs and software. $18 fee provides 50% off software.
- New MYACT tax ID # needed
- Reimbursement Policy discussed and copy of policy provided. Expense Reimbursement Form and
photo of receipt can be emailed to MYACT gmail within 30 days of expenditure.
Facilities Update (Buck Collie)
- Update on swamp cooler, pads, cleaning, service schedule; Buck will follow up within 2 weeks.
○ Installation of new swamp cooler by tool room – Kyla will donate, plan for May or June.
- Back wall and exhaust fans are still on hold due to weather.
Kristy to contact Casey re scheduling. Will need to coordinate time with Barry.
- Funds allocated ($10k) to Facilities on June 23, 2023
•$5,189 has been used to date.
○ Future Plans for remaining funds; Buck and Kyla to make list.
- Roof leaks update: Repairs are needed, correction of insulation. Roll-on sealant needed.
- Lights are needed for sheds.
- Decided to use shop lights with extension cords; Buck to shop and send info to Bonnie.
- Alarm System from Granite Peak Alarm now installed – ready to arm
○ Codes needed for each person who has access.
- Canopy: inexpensive tarps are working, so plan to continue until a better option is found
- Possibility of permanent cover to be discussed next year.
- Removal of the Zip Line may not be necessary if smaller fans are used upstairs; Buck to measure.
- Problem with drainage outside the building that causes flooding (by green room)
- Kristy has spoken to landlord who is agreeable to needed correction.
- Sewer line is below culvert that overflows. Plan to contact a consultant re
what is necessary to divert water from building foundation.
Committees Update (Kristy)
- Marketing Committee – Kristy
- Social media, web, advertising, press release, community calendar, advertising
- Bonnie talked to Rob and is waiting for his reply.
- UDTV Run Dates are on the Calendar – Krista
- Proposal for upcoming has been completed through June
- GoDaddy has been renewed – will be looking into other options for the future.
Cassie will talk to Rob.
- Fundraising Committee – Cassie
- Advertising sales, donations
- Ad sales are up
- Amazon Smiles Program not longer exists
- Cassie is updating tracking sheet, phasing out In Kind, and updating prices
- Update on upcoming fundraising efforts
- Plan for 2025 allocation for fundraising
- Frog and Toad
- Other fundraisers
- Popcorn Machine and Printer are priorities!
- Proposed: $1750 for popcorn machine
- Posters planned for location fundraisers
- Will be thank you notes for donations
- Proposed: $1750 for popcorn machine
- New meeting date; decision postponed.
- Cassie is taking Grant Writing class.
- Volunteer Fair – May 23rd, 4pm-7pm
- Who can attend the new date; decision postponed.
- Summer Camp Program Committee – Bonnie
- Planning, organizing, and setup
Bonnie, Kyla, Jessica, Alissa, Kristy, Becca, Janae
Budget has been started
- Staff applications have been sent out; need to be turned in.
- 47 students have enrolled to date.
- No staff for music yet. Janae will talk to Joey.
- Production meetings to begin planning will occur after staff is selected.
- Events (Gala) Committee
- Gala September 7th; Mt Brow and Kevin are available. Date confirmed.
- Meeting needed to start planning -Kristy to set date
- Volunteer Committee and Lobby – Becca Fitzwater
- Obtain and coordinate volunteers (2 people)
- Becca – set up for volunteers, a board member on duty, and donation sign-up for each production. Volunteer sign-ups will be posted to Google Classroom and Performers Group for each production, and shared with the board. Need more volunteers.
- Becca working on the lobby display for Frog and Toad
- Including restocking all items in concessions as needed
- Sodas, popcorn, treats, hot drinks, cups, silverware, plates, napkins, etc.
Fundraising Update
- Cierra’s fundraiser for Acting for All – completed and successful
- Proposed: Increased prices to front row and box seats (back row)
- Possibly to start with Fall show; decision postponed.
- Proposed Pricing:
■ Current: $12/$15 tickets
■ Increase: $15/$18 tickets
- Advertising for Summer Camp Raffle – April 1st through June 2nd
- Will be advertised online with the option for online sales
- To be drawn at the final show for Much Ado About Nothing
- Summer Camp Scholarship Fund – currently at $1425
- $1000 from the grant allocated to the scholarship
- 85 raffle tickets sold – Christmas Carol and Freaky Friday – $425
- Can add $75 to make a full $500 scholarship
- Won by Cindy Hatler, donated back to use as the board sees fit
- Applications are going out to those who requested a scholarship
Production Updates
- Production Committee – TBD
- Kyla to help create committee structure
- Bonnie to meet with Kyla first week of May; date TBA
- MYACT After Dark Production Proposal – Erin
- Review proposal presented; for older teens and adults
- Details to be discussed within the production committee
- Erin to explore further ideas. Will meet w/ Art Delgado (Tuolumne City Live)
- 2024 Season – Below is the schedule for review and reference
- March/April:
- A Year with Frog and Toad (Lize and Joey) Shows: April 26th, 27th, 28th
- April-June:
- Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing (Jadyn and ?)
■ Auditions: April 4, 5 cancelled due to snow. Plan for email auditions (Jadyn)
■ Shows: May 30th-June 2nd (4 days)
- June – Pipsqueaks
- Pipsqueaks 1st session, Medieval theme (Kyla)
- Staff: Kyla, Ella, Madison, Ashleigh, Joey, Lize, Halo, Alissa
- June 17th-22nd
- Pipsqueaks 1st session, Medieval theme (Kyla)
- July-August
- Elf Jr. -Staff TBD
- Camp: July 1st-August 2nd
- Shows: August 1st-4th (5 shows)
- Pipsqueaks 2nd session, Trolls theme (Halo) -Staff TBD
- Camp Aug 5-10
- Show: August 10th
- Staffing applications will be out soon for those interested in working in summer camp
- Elf Jr. -Staff TBD
■ 4 – director, choreographer, stage manager, stage director, 1 – administrative position, additional helpers
- August-October
- Acting for All – Too Many Frogs (Sue Collie and Marianne Curmie)
■ Production Meetings: Aug 13th, 15th, 16th
- Auditions: Aug 17th
- Rehearsals: Aug 22nd-Sept 19th (see calendar)
- Production: Sept 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 27th, 28th, 29th
- First Production Meeting Offsite (by invitation): April 18th 6:30pm.
- October-December
- Anastasia (Janae and Halo)
- Ages 7 – 17
- Show dates: November 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th
- Anastasia (Janae and Halo)
Any New Business
- Buy a Zoom membership
Pro Half Price through TechSoup: $79.92 +18 fee
- Propose to purchase 1-year membership with Zoom.
- Katie motioned, Cassie seconded, all approved.
- Discussed possibly lowering quality and cost of show programs.
Future Board Meetings
- Zoom meeting 2nd Thursday of the Month – 6:30pm
- 2024 Zoom Meetings: May 9th, June 13th, August 8th, September 21th, November 14th, December 12th
- One meeting in person quarterly – January, April, July, October – 1pm
- 2024 Meetings: July 14th, October 13th, January 12th
CLOSED SESSION (if needed) : NA
Meeting Adjourned (Time): 3:13pm
Submitted by (Name and Signature): Katie Lind and Bonnie Bettencourt
Disney’s Newsies Jr.
Friday 2/24 at 7pm
Saturday 2/25 at 2pm and 7pm
Sunday 2/26 at 2pm
Friday 3/3 at 7pm
Saturday 3/4 at 2pm
Saturday 3/4 at 7pm
Sunday 3/5 at 2pm
Friday 3/10 at 7pm
Saturday 3/11 at 2pm and 7pm
Sunday 3/12 at 2pm
Directed by Kyla Hatler
Choreography by Janae Perkins
Music Direction by Aaron David and Joseph Fitzgerald
Costumes by Grace Bunk
Stage Management by Ashleigh Hansen
Lighting Design by Benjamin Diamond
MYACT Board Meeting March 14, 2021
Call to order: 3:05pm
In attendance: Jessica Shapiro, Bonnie Bettencourt, Kandas Wright, Michael Morales, Erin Santoro, Jessica Rhoades
Introduction of guests: Alissa DeAnda, Cierra Bettencourt, Natalie Gill
Approval of minutes: Mike moves to approve with date correction of meeting date, Erin seconds, minutes approved by consensus.
Treasurer / Update March 14, 2021
- February: $7500 in the bank, additional money in PayPal with donuts, est. $7800 total (see report below)
- Going forward: $6300 – 3-4 months in expenses in the bank, not counting fundraising efforts coming up.
- Budget Related Items
- Grants and Donations
- Waiting List: January 2021 Applied for $5000 grant from California Relief Grant Program
- 2021 P&L through February and end Q1 projections
- Refer to attached report
- Cash Balance at end of 2020 was $9782 (bank)
- $423 PayPal
- Cash Balance at end of Feb 2021 $7506(Bank)
- Projected Bank Balance at end of Q1: $6331
- Detailed financial reports available on request. Interested parties should contact Mike Morales for more information. Contact Mike at
- Business Items
- Building Lease
- Landlord has agreed to a one year extension under current terms and monthly rental amount.
- Non-profit 501 (c)(3) administrative filings and updates
- Treasurer has spoken with Amy Falken at Sierra Non-profit. She will assist with assessing our status filings in order to get us up to date. Fee will be $75 which will be paid/donate by Mike Morales. Based on Amy’s findings Mike will work with Amy to get any missing forms and documentation filed.
- Pending outcomes of non-profit administration filings Treasurer will begin working on new Bi-Laws for MYACT.
- Miscellaneous
- None
- Building Lease
- Grants and Donations
Committee Reports
- Fundraising
- Kristy Kreme: around $400 profit, pickup to happen March 20th
- Easter Bunny Helper Fundraiser: Teen advisory board is working to get this fundraiser going and start taking orders. Jessica S. will be putting out advertising for this event.
- Estimated: 2 drivers and 2 teams of decorators, able to do about 16 houses total. Looking for additional drivers/decorators.
- Restaurant Fundraisers – Natalie Gill
- Has been contacting places to setup fundraising.
- DayO was checking with their manager – interested.
- YoGood also checking with manager – interested.
- A lot of other places interested but they have all said they will call back.
- Business Cards
- Bonnie will move forward and work with Evelyn on creating business cards quickly with the new logo in place to print, under $100 budget.
- Junior Advisory Board/Outreach
- 3 current members: Alissa DeAnda, Cierra Bettencourt, Taylor DeAnda. In search of additional members to move forward
- Board Member Recruitment/Outreach
- Still in search of additional board members
- Evelyn is working with the board and hopefully will be considering joining the board in the future
- Asking for outreach to people who may be interested in participating and being a part of the board with MYACT.
- Jessica S is hoping to step down as president perhaps at the end of the year.
- In need of facilities, and additional “doers” to fill spaces needed in various positions which can lead to being a part of the board.
- Erin trying to look into options she has seen for an online fundraising with online auction so we can offer shows or fundraisers online.
- Production
- Summer Camp
- Jessica reaching out to various people to ensure we have staffing. Possibly Lauren Brosesco, Sabrina Jensen is not available.
- Dates: Starting July 5th and running weekdays, M-F
- Time of day will be set for kids, shorter times for younger kids separate program for teens to young adults in the evenings.
- Kids under 15 will all be a part of the summer camp program – this will be an adjusted version of Catch A Falling Spy. This will allow for those who missed out to be able to perform the play and will reduce costs for the show, props, etc. Advertising will be driven around theatre participation and learning, theatre community.
- Teen program will be adapting a public domain show or something similar that they will be putting together and producing.
- Production: July 30th-August 1st with 2 performances if we are unable to have a live audience. Teen production the following weekend.
- ½ day camp pricing – $350 early bird pricing by mid-April, increased cost from mid-April until June 1st.
- Advertising needs to begin this next week to start getting kids enrolled as soon as we’re past the Easter Bunny fundraiser.
- Marketing Report – Mike
- Social Media and Marketing meetings have been happening, working with Evelyn Scott.
- Instagram has been created.
- New logos have been created with some alterations that may come out to advertise our Youth programs, pip squeak programs, etc.
- Facebook is being utilized.
- Will be looking into reach as we determined to maintain organic reach at this point before we look into paid advertising.
- Looking into marketing with weekly themes of past sponsors, theater history, testimonials, spirit weeks.
- Looking into ideas and help/support from Junior Advisory board for outreach and ways to engage.
- Continue searching for testimonials and possibly creating videos with editing by Natalie Gill.
- Social Media and Marketing meetings have been happening, working with Evelyn Scott.
- Facilities
- Building Prep
- Mike – $175 cleanup cost to haul off remaining items from the yard sale. Theatre is now cleaned up from the yard sale,
- In need of walk through and planning in preparation for summer camp.
- Cleanup needs to happen, building checked out for insulation issues – need a walk through with someone who might be able to give us some ideas on what needs to happen.
- Large hole above the stage where a crow has been residing. Needs patching.
- Facilities committee and leadership were needed. Buck Collie and Mark were previously interested in being a part of this.
- WATCH Resources is ready to start using the theatre again whenever we are ready to allow it. Mike will reach out to Michael Roberson about this.
- Theatre neighbor has taken over our tent space in between the buildings – Kandas will talk to him Saturday about clearing out as we will need to utilize this space moving forward.
- Board of Directors Election
- This was postponed until March 2021.
- Kandas has asked to step down as Vice President for the rest of the year.
- The following slate has been nominated:
- President: Jessica Shapiro
- Treasurer: Michael Morales
- Secretary: Bonnie Bettencourt
- Erin Santoro moves to accept these nominations, Jessica Rhoades seconds. Board has been approved as listed above for the rest of 2021.
- Theft of Risers
- Jessica Rhoades has been subpoenaed to attend court tomorrow, 3/15/21, in regards to the risers that were stolen from MYACT.
- She will go if she is called tomorrow or next Monday but after that, she will provide information to the DA for another board member to attend – Erin and Bonnie have offered to attend if needed. Mike and Kandas can be backups.
- Upcoming Meetings
- Fundraising Meeting: March 22nd at 5:30pm
- Marketing Meeting: March 22nd at 6:30pm following Fundraising
- Next board meeting: May 16th at 3pm
- Taxes
- Terry Miller completed our taxes
- Jessica signed them this week
- We are doing this in trade for $300 in advertising.
- Building Prep
- Summer Camp
No closed session needed.
Adjourned: 5:46pm
Respectfully submitted: Bonnie Bettencourt, Secretary
Meeting Minutes Board Meeting January 10, 2021
Call to order: 4:00pm
In attendance: Jessica Shapiro, Bonnie Bettencourt, Michael Morales, Jessica Rhoades, Kandas Wright, Erin Santoro
No guests were in attendance.
Update: January 2021 Financials: Mike Morales
- Applying for Relief Grant: Eligible for up to $5000
- Application period ends today. We will wait to hear.
- Waiting to see if additional funding might be available
- Proposing that we publish our minutes from each meeting to the public to keep transparency and keep our community informed about our status, what we are doing and what we are planning.
- During filing for relief grant, we were asked for information that brings up questions about ensuring our public filings, including our updated board of directors, etc. Suggested that we reach out to our MYACT community for resources or check with Sierra Nonprofit Services group for more information.
- Non-profit 501 (c)(3) administrative filings and updates
- Treasurer has recognized a need for a qualified entity to review our documentation and filings to ensure compliance; need board input and suggestions.
- Mike has agreed to look into this by Friday 1/15/2021.
- Profit and loss, summary of 2020
- Available on request. Interested parties should contact Mike Morales for more information. Contact at
- Non-profit 501 (c)(3) administrative filings and updates
Budget Related Items
- Grants and Donations
- November 2020 Received $7457 from Tuolumne County Non-Profit Grant Fund
- January 2021 Applied for $5000 grant from California Relief Grant Program
- 2020 Final P&L
- Available on request. Interested parties should contact Mike Morales for more information. Contact at
- 2021 draft budget (refer to attached report)
- Cash Balance as of 12/31/2020 =
- $9782 (Checking Account)
- $423 PayPal
- 2021 Draft Budget
- Available on request. Interested parties outside of the Board of Directors should contact Mike Morales for more information. Contact at
- Meeting Minutes
- Treasurer is requesting meeting minutes be published within one week of meeting so that the minutes can be posted to our website in a timely manner.
- About 7 donations came in as a result from the Christmas cards
- Erin says she will work to maintain this list of who was sent Christmas cards and continuing an ongoing updated list of our contacts. Jessica will work on updating the letter so we can send out a mailing to the updated list soon.
- Building Lease
- Treasurer is recommending to seek a one year extension of current lease with same terms. Need board input and discussion.
- Mike will be requesting that our lease agreement stands as is for an additional year. He will report back on this by February 2nd, 2021
- General note: All expenses have been covered on time!
- Proposed budget and income for 2021
- With guestimated income and expenses, we will need additional income.
- Currently: We can cover expenses into Q2 – by the end with no additional income, we will be around $700 balance.
- Project Management Calendar Options
- Bonnie and Jessica will look into templates for fluid calendar with list of projects, due dates and who is responsible for each task so it can be tracked and managed.
- Erin will ask her Mom if she has any templates that their organization uses that might be helpful.
- Jessica will look into Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
- Looking into Valentine’s Day themed fundraiser?
- Erin will look into See’s Candy
- Bonnie will reach out to restaurants about a dinner pickup fundraiser
- Possible options to coordinate with local car wash?
- Kandas is checking with St. Charles about fundraiser with them
- Singing Telegrams?
- Junior Advisory board graphic has been shared
- This needs to be advertised to teens who would like to be involved
- Ages 12-18
- Ask kids to reach out to their friends
- Board of Directors
- In need of growing the board
- 18 and over
- See if they’d like to attend or get information about what is required of a board meeting
- Candidates will be considered by the board
- Reach out to 3 people per board member – either board member, sponsor, volunteer, etc. to invite people to get involved. Looking to grow our community.
- Biggest need: Marketing and social media
- Limited production options
- Deadline of first week of March to make decision and put into action
- Limited audience at 25% capacity or possibly online option
- Small cast would be needed
- Production in May, possibly outdoors
- Looking into non-royalty show
- Fundraising event with opportunity for performances
- Note: Kyla willing to direct night of Gershwin as a concert as well
- Summer Camp
- Kyla was interested in allowing someone else to direct Catch a Falling Spy with modifications to a junior length production at about 1.5 hours.
- No royalties, costume work would be minimal
- Older kids who were participating previously may want to move on to leadership type roles rather than typical summer camp participation
- Also hybrid of small audiences or online production options possibly with more performances
- Fall Options
- To be discussed – please send any suggestions or ideas to Jessica
- Upcoming meetings:
- March 14th
- May 16th (to avoid Mother’s Day)
- July 11th
- September 12th
- November 14th
Adjourned: 5:46pm
Respectfully submitted: Bonnie Bettencourt, Secretary
Opening Night Gala – Death Takes A Holiday
Death Takes A Holiday
Our last show of the season, Death Takes a Holiday the Musical! A dark comedy musical with minor adult themes. Rated PG (Jr. cast show for all ages).
Synopsis: After years of questioning why people fear him, Death takes on human form for three days so that he can mingle among mortals and find an answer. He finds a host in Duke Lambert after revealing himself and his intentions to the Duke, and takes up temporary residence in the Duke’s villa. However, events soon spiral out of control as Death falls in love with the beautiful young Grazia As he does so, Duke Lambert, the father of Grazia’s mortal lover Corrado, begs him to give Grazia up and leave her among the living. Death must decide whether to seek his own happiness, or sacrifice it so that Grazia may live.
Directed by Brandon Russell
Music Director Chala Scholkowfsky
Choreography Janae Perkins
Tech Director Kyla Lee Meyer Hatler
Costumes Erin Santoro
Props Kimberlie Holman
Opening night is December 7th at 7:30pm, coupled with a catered Gala. Dress in your best roaring 20’s attire! We want to bring in the new 20’s with style! There will be wine and beer served at the Gala for 21 and over and dinner before the show. Tickets are $50 per person for the event and include a ticket to the show. Raffle, silent auction, entertainment, and such will be at the Gala! We hope to see you there!
Performance dates Community Cast: December 7th, 13th, 14th, and 15th
Performance Dates Youth Cast: December 8th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
Tickets on sale now in the ticket at, for more information please message our Facebook page @ or contact us at
Cost Of Running A Theatre
The Legalese
MYACT is a 501(c)3 organization formed for public purposes, to foster educational opportunities for children and adults of all ages in the performing arts, with a specific focus on theater, music, dance, voice and other arts.
The Practical Benefits
MYACT provides opportunities for children, youth and adults in our community to become involved in the arts. Our organization brings people together in enriching classes, recitals and full performances. Our flagship program, Summer Hideout, started in 2004 with 13 students. Since then over 500 youth and adults have participated in various programs and productions. During that same time over 5000 audience members have experienced and enjoyed MYACT community musical theatre productions.
Some History
In 2012, after eight years of using temporary rehearsal spaces and renting various auditoriums for performances, MYACT acquired a warehouse building on Cuesta Court in Sonora (off Tuolumne Road) and turned it into permanent rehearsal, learning, and performance space.
MYACT generally produces four shows per year and would like to increase that number to provide additional opportunities – for youth and adult participants – and to establish a greater presence in the community.
The Cost of Running a Theatre
It takes money to run a theatre and related programs. MYACT’s annual operating expenses range from $25,000 to $30,000 per year. Approximately 80% of the funds to pay those expenses come from ticket sales, summer camp tuition, and sales of concessions.
However, MYACT relies heavily on donations, fund raisers and grants to fund the balance of annual expenses.
Over the years, the community has generously supported us but like any non-profit organization we are constantly in need of more donations, especially as we expand the operation to greater levels.
Estimated 2019 Expenses
Show Rights $8,000
Costumes $1,500
Paid positions and or stipends vary based on the production. As an example, the Summer Camp stipends run up to $2,000.