Board Meeting Minutes April 14, 2024

Board Meeting Minutes April 14, 2024

MYACT Board Minutes – April 14, 2024 

  • Call to order:  1:06pm
  • In Attendance: Bonnie Bettencourt, Kristy Miller, Janae Perkins, Katie Lind, Jessica Shapiro, Buck Collie, Cassandra Miller, Jadyn Mueller, Erin Santoro
  • Guests: Rebecca Fitzwater
  • Approval of minutes: Janae motioned to approve, Buck seconded, approved by all.


Financial Report (Janae Perkins) 

  • Budget Report 

           ○ 2023 Year-End Budget; handout provided.

○ 2024 Q1 Review  

○ 2024 Proposed Budget for approval 

  • Show Updates 

■ Freaky Friday; $6770 profit. 

○ Upcoming Show Budgets 

■ A Year with Frog and Toad; $1912 projected. 

■ Much Ado About Nothing; $1180 projected. 

  • Janae suggests looking at anticipated ticket sales & matinees for all upcoming shows

○ Facilities Funds Update – balance remaining; $4811.

  • $582.67 for scissor lift for fan installation pending.  

○ Scholarship Funds Update – $1500 current balance.   

13 scholarship requests to date. 

○ Acting For All Club Update – total funds raised by Cierra; $4250.

  • Stipends which are declined by payee need to be included in budget. 
  • Gala budget needed; goal is to make $15,000 profit.
    Proposal to approve $1,500 budget to begin. Cassie motioned, Katie seconded, approved.
  • Access to bank account – discussed removing Jessica, she is in agreement.
  •  Erin motioned, Cassie seconded, approved by all to remove Jessica Shapiro from bank account access.   
  • Bonnie Bettencourt and Janae Perkins only will continue having access.
  • WE HAVE VENMO!!! @ MYACT. Can add other administrators.
    •  We now have access to TechSoup with non-profit discounts to purchase programs and software. $18 fee provides 50% off software.
    • New MYACT tax ID # needed
  • Reimbursement Policy discussed and copy of policy provided. Expense Reimbursement Form and 

photo of receipt can be emailed to MYACT gmail within 30 days of expenditure.  

Facilities Update (Buck Collie) 

  • Update on swamp cooler, pads, cleaning, service schedule; Buck will follow up within 2 weeks.

○ Installation of new swamp cooler by tool room – Kyla will donate, plan for May or June. 

  • Back wall and exhaust fans are still on hold due to weather. 

  Kristy to contact Casey re scheduling.  Will need to coordinate time with Barry. 


  • Funds allocated ($10k) to Facilities on June 23, 2023
    •$5,189 has been used to date. 

○ Future Plans for remaining funds;  Buck and Kyla to make list. 

  • Roof leaks update: Repairs are needed, correction of insulation. Roll-on sealant needed.
  • Lights are needed for sheds.
  • Decided to use shop lights with extension cords; Buck to shop and send info to Bonnie. 
  • Alarm System from Granite Peak Alarm now installed – ready to arm 

     ○ Codes needed for each person who has access.

  • Canopy:  inexpensive tarps are working, so plan to continue until a better option is found
  • Possibility of permanent cover to be discussed next year. 
  • Removal of the Zip Line may not be necessary if smaller fans are used upstairs; Buck to measure.
  • Problem with drainage outside the building that causes flooding (by green room) 
  • Kristy has spoken to landlord who is agreeable to needed correction. 
  • Sewer line is below culvert that overflows. Plan to contact a consultant re 

what is necessary to divert water from building foundation. 

Committees Update (Kristy)                                                                   

  • Marketing Committee – Kristy 
  • Social media, web, advertising, press release, community calendar, advertising  
  • Bonnie talked to Rob and is waiting for his reply. 
  •  UDTV Run Dates are on the Calendar – Krista 
  • Proposal for upcoming has been completed through June 
  • GoDaddy has been renewed – will be looking into other options for the future.

          Cassie will talk to Rob. 

  • Fundraising Committee – Cassie 
  • Advertising sales, donations
    • Ad sales are up
    • Amazon Smiles Program not longer exists 
    • Cassie is updating tracking sheet, phasing out In Kind, and updating prices
  • Update on upcoming fundraising efforts 
    • Plan for 2025 allocation for fundraising
    • Frog and Toad
    •  Other fundraisers 
  • Popcorn Machine and Printer are priorities! 
    •  Proposed: $1750 for popcorn machine 
      • Posters planned for location fundraisers
      • Will be thank you notes for donations
  • New meeting date; decision postponed. 
  • Cassie is taking Grant Writing class.
  • Volunteer Fair – May 23rd, 4pm-7pm 
  •  Who can attend the new date; decision postponed. 


  •  Summer Camp Program Committee – Bonnie 
    • Planning, organizing, and setup 

                       Bonnie, Kyla, Jessica, Alissa, Kristy, Becca, Janae 

Budget has been started 

  • Staff applications have been sent out; need to be turned in.
    •  47 students have enrolled to date.
    • No staff for music yet.  Janae will talk to Joey.
  • Production meetings to begin planning will occur after staff is selected.
  • Events (Gala) Committee 
  • Gala September 7th; Mt Brow and Kevin are available. Date confirmed. 
  • Meeting needed to start planning -Kristy to set date
  • Volunteer Committee and Lobby – Becca Fitzwater 
  • Obtain and coordinate volunteers (2 people) 
  • Becca – set up for volunteers, a board member on duty, and donation sign-up for each production. Volunteer sign-ups will be posted to Google Classroom and Performers Group for each production, and shared with the board. Need more volunteers.
  •  Becca working on the lobby display for Frog and Toad 
    •  Including restocking all items in concessions as needed 
    •  Sodas, popcorn, treats, hot drinks, cups, silverware, plates, napkins, etc. 

Fundraising Update 

  •  Cierra’s fundraiser for Acting for All – completed and successful 
  • Proposed: Increased prices to front row and box seats (back row)  
    • Possibly to start with Fall show; decision postponed.
    •  Proposed Pricing: 

■ Current: $12/$15 tickets

■ Increase: $15/$18 tickets 

  •  Advertising for Summer Camp Raffle – April 1st through June 2nd  
    •  Will be advertised online with the option for online sales 
    • To be drawn at the final show for Much Ado About Nothing
  •  Summer Camp Scholarship Fund – currently at $1425 
    •  $1000 from the grant allocated to the scholarship 
    •  85 raffle tickets sold – Christmas Carol and Freaky Friday – $425 
      •  Can add $75 to make a full $500 scholarship 
      •  Won by Cindy Hatler, donated back to use as the board sees fit 
    •  Applications are going out to those who requested a scholarship 


Production Updates 

  •  Production Committee – TBD 
    •  Kyla to help create committee structure 
    • Bonnie to meet with Kyla first week of May; date TBA
  • MYACT After Dark Production Proposal – Erin 
  • Review proposal presented; for older teens and adults
  •  Details to be discussed within the production committee 
    • Erin to explore further ideas. Will meet w/ Art Delgado (Tuolumne City Live)
  • 2024 Season – Below is the schedule for review and reference 
  • March/April: 
  • A Year with Frog and Toad (Lize and Joey)   Shows: April 26th, 27th, 28th 
  • April-June: 
    •  Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing (Jadyn and ?) 

             ■ Auditions: April 4, 5 cancelled due to snow. Plan for email auditions (Jadyn) 

                ■ Shows: May 30th-June 2nd (4 days) 

  •  June – Pipsqueaks 
    •  Pipsqueaks 1st session, Medieval theme (Kyla) 
      •  Staff: Kyla, Ella, Madison, Ashleigh, Joey, Lize, Halo, Alissa 
      •  June 17th-22nd 
  •  July-August 
    •  Elf Jr. -Staff TBD 
      • Camp: July 1st-August 2nd 
      • Shows: August 1st-4th (5 shows) 
    • Pipsqueaks 2nd session, Trolls theme (Halo) -Staff TBD 
      • Camp Aug 5-10
      • Show: August 10th 
    •  Staffing applications will be out soon for those interested in working in summer camp 

     ■ 4 – director, choreographer, stage manager, stage director, 1 – administrative position,      additional helpers 

  • August-October 
    • Acting for All – Too Many Frogs (Sue Collie and Marianne Curmie) 

     ■ Production Meetings: Aug 13th, 15th, 16th 

  •  Auditions: Aug 17th 
  • Rehearsals: Aug 22nd-Sept 19th (see calendar) 
  • Production: Sept 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 27th, 28th, 29th 
  • First Production Meeting Offsite (by invitation): April 18th 6:30pm. 
  • October-December 
    •  Anastasia (Janae and Halo)
      • Ages 7 – 17
      •  Show dates: November 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th 

Any New Business 

  •  Buy a Zoom membership 

 Pro Half Price through TechSoup: $79.92 +18 fee 

  •  Propose to purchase 1-year membership with Zoom.
    • Katie motioned, Cassie seconded, all approved.  
  • Discussed possibly lowering quality and cost of show programs.

Future Board Meetings 

  • Zoom meeting 2nd Thursday of the Month – 6:30pm 
    • 2024 Zoom Meetings: May 9th, June 13th, August 8th, September 21th, November 14th, December 12th 
  •  One meeting in person quarterly – January, April, July, October – 1pm 
    •  2024 Meetings: July 14th, October 13th, January 12th 

CLOSED SESSION (if needed) : NA

Meeting Adjourned (Time): 3:13pm

Submitted by (Name and Signature): Katie Lind and Bonnie Bettencourt

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